As mentioned when fundraising I was looking for funds to buy shoes for two places, Cece Primary School and Cornerstone Children's Home.
Cornerstone Christmas
I distributed the shoes for Cornerstone Children’s Home
immediately because the children are always around. This was the start of their Christmas, which
promises to be a good one this year.
Last year’s Christmas there was not enough money for clothes
(a vital ingredient in a South Sudanese Christmas), which left the children
very subdued. Fortunately a kind donor
provided funds for food, so all was not lost.
By contrast, this year, funds from Fulaa (Cornerstone’s
supporting charity) were much more ample.
Clothes have been bought, chickens destined for Christmas Dinner are
strutting around the compound, there was even money left over for prizes for
those children who did particularly well in their end of year exams.
The shoes come with very handy red bags. These will be given to the children at the
start of the school year as school bags.
Foni and Mini wearing their new shoes. |
Close up of the shoes. |
William contemplates his newly shod feet. |
Cece Primary School
The term had already ended by the time the shoes arrived so
we needed to summon everyone back to school.
The children received clothes as well which we bought second hand
locally. Shoes and clothes were packed
into a red bag labelled with each child’s name and given to the children in a
short ceremony. The children were
ecstatic. The Cece children have never
received anything from anyone before. I
think you can see this on their faces in some of the photos. It was a lovely occasion.
Those of you who are Catholics will know that this year is a
Holy Year of Mercy in the Catholic Church.
I think your generosity falls firmly into the category of ‘Corporal Acts
of Mercy: clothe the naked’. These
children have so little clothing, most in a very ragged state, and with no
shoes or very cheap flip-flops which break easily. This is a huge boost to their self-esteem. A very big
thank you to all who contributed towards the shoes. They really are much appreciated.
Line up shot of some of the children in their new shoes. |
It's Christmas! |
This boy was completely speechless |
Fitting the shoes. |
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